


So many of you compare yourself to others….in and outside of the box.   The focus should be on your own goals…moving at your own pace.   The moment you compare yourself to ANYONE else you become obsessed with the wrong motivation.  Let others be motivation to make better choices…drive you during a WOD…uplift you when your down or feel like you can’t get through a WOD.  KNOW that we ALL fall short of where we really want to be….we ALL have rough days….LIFE efffects us all, its how we handle these situations…in and outside of the box that creates our character and makes us stronger than the day before.  ENJOY every day as we are not guarenteed tomorrow.  Find Joy in all things.


Skill –  3 sets NOT for time

4 wall walks or 8 shoulder taps

8 toe to bar

30 sec L-sit


Strength  8 min EMOM

12 Cleans

12 Jerks

9 Cleans

9 Jerks

6 Cleans

6 Jerks

3 Cleans

3 Jerks




15 – 12 – 9


Squat Snatches 95/65

Pull Ups


400 meter run