ALOHA MONDAY!!!! We hope that everyone had a great weekend. June is here! Only a few weeks left of the school year. HUI’s CF Kid class will be offered on Thursday evenings at 5-530pm and Saturday mornings at 930am! Get your children having fun and moving well….
Saturday June 7th–Hui-Du…..Hui normal hours are closed!
Gangs of Mid-Atlantic registration went LIVE…if this was one of our goals get your team together and register before price increases. CFW will be hosting this great event…for Rx’d on Saturday.November 1st 2014..teams of 4- MMFF or FFFF or MMMM… well as scaled on Sunday November 2 2014. If you have any questions make sure you speak with Fe, Stan, Juke or Ami.
Strength….Back Squats
3 rounds
10 Toe to bar
15 OHS 95/65
10 slamballs 20/30