REMINDERS::::: Saturday clinic is at 9am NOT 10 am…Stan and fe will be headed out of town at noon….Clinic will review Clean…/ Squat Clean and Jerk / Split Jerk….with a WOD to follow.
Keeping track of your numbers and how you are feeling at the moment your lifting is extremely important. Sure you can keep track of numbers pretty easy in your head..but you CANNOT capture how your body was FEELING at the time…thats why we log. 1 rep maxes are based on how you are ready that DAY….IT will change from how much sleep you got the night before…what did you eat…how stressed out are you…lack of focus….ect…Everyone’s numbers are increasing very fast…your coaches cannot keep track of every number you pull ….but YOU CAN…. you need these as a reference to base your next weeks work on…..your important enough…so take the time…!
Strength/ Skill
THRUSTER 5-3-2-1-1-1-1
18 min AMRAP
12 wall balls 20/14
9 Front Squats 90/65
6 Handstand push ups