
Kenny doing weighted sit ups with his girl CALI!!!!! TOO CUTE…..

HUI will not hold the 530am class on  Wednesday due to the crappy snow that we will be getting.  HOwever we will be open the rest of the days normal hours.  1o am…430/530/630….come and play…Dress Warm.


SNATCH  5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1

10 minutes to establish a heavy snatch.


2 min AMRAP

15 burpees

20 Snatch #75/45

1 minute rest

3 Minute AMRAP

15 burpees

20 Snatches #74/45

1 minute rest

6 Minute AMRAP

15 burpees

20 Snatches #115/75