
We are super proud of every last one of you for finishing 14.5….there was no easy way to get through this one but keep your butt moving.    You should all be very proud of yourselves…we are !   There are very few of you that still need to complete the last open wod…your only time to do this will be at 6:30 pm…please do not ask to do it during any other wod class….as you know this takes a lot of time from the coaches.   Thank you for your understanding.

COACH KARI’S Consume me orders are ready for pick up …if you’ve paid ask a coach for your goodies….if you haven’t paid, please pay when you pick them up….and ENJOY..

Many of you are having a hard time keeping your bodies loose….please remember a sports massage every other week will do wonders….make time for yourselves on a recovery day…Get in touch with Coach Fe or Stan for a time.

Skill/ Strenght

L-sits and Floor-wipers,,,we are really focusing on the midline(MIDLINE TO EXTREMETIES)…many of you get soft in the middle of the lift or movement…this will transfer into every skill and lift that we do on a daily basis.   Do not neglect.



400 meter run

21  Hang Power Cleans 135/95

21 Pull Ups

21 ab mat sit ups

400 meter run

15 Hang

Power Cleans

15 Pull Ups

15 ab mat sit ups

400 meter run

9 Hang Power Cleans

9 Pull Ups

9 ab mat sit ups

400 meter run