
CF Hui Kids getting their WOD in with Coach Kari.  Every Tuesday and Thursday 5-530pm.

HUI NEWS**** Saturday we will be meeting at CrossFit Gloucester…4924 George Washington

Memorial…Hayes Virginia.  Come support the Crossfit Community.  HUI OHANA will meet at

the box and caravan over at 8:30…!  Wear your HUI gear and get ready for some fun.  There will

NO WOD held at HUI Saturday.  We will offer OPEN Gym Sunday Jan. 12th 2014 at 5pm.

YOGA with Amy will begin at 6pm

HUI NUTRITION CHALLENGE will kick off at 7pm Sunday evening.  Coach Fe and Kari will have

hand outs and discuss Paleo and Zone lifestyles as well as what supplements are necessary for


Strength/ Skill

Turkish Get-ups  3 X 5 each side

12 min EMOM

10 Pullups (odd)

5  Handstand Push ups (even)


Deadlift 5 rep max